Tuesday 13 June 2017

Famous Lawyer Quotes Funny, Inspirational and Thank You Quotes for Lawyers

This hub contains the best lawyer quotes - funny,

inspirational, and famous quotes about lawyers and their career in the justice

world. I also included thank you quotes for lawyers. Enjoy and you can object

by the way, by commenting at the end of the article. You can also share your

quotes. Cheers!

Quotes and sayings

for lawyers. Lawyers...lawyers...what would we do without them. I have compiled

the best quotes I found about lawyers in this hub as I made related quote-hubs

already before this - like the quotes for teachers and some movie quotes. This

time, it's gonna be a tribute for our dear lawyers. I remember someone

mentioned making a scrapbook of such quotes. How thoughtful and sweet would

that be, heh. Well, in case you would want these quotes as a gift of thanks for

your attorney, it's gonna be cute and sweet.

Inspirational and Motivational Quotes for Lawyers

"A lawyer with a brie fcase can steal more than a thousand

men with guns." - Mario Puzo

"You win some and you lose some, but you get paid for all of

them." - Anonymous

"I don't think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of

legislature. You've got to work on his conscience. And his lack of conscience

is what makes him a lawyer." - Will Rogers

"The good lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side

and angle of contingency, and qualifies all his qualifications, but who throws

himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape." - Ralph

Waldo Emerson

"You cannot live without the lawyers, and certainly you

cannot die without them." - Joseph H. Choate

"A judge is a law student who marks his own examination

papers." - H. L. Mencken

"To me, a lawyer is basically the person that knows the rules of the

country. We're all throwing the dice, playing the game, moving our pieces

around the board, but if there is a problem the lawyer is the only person who

has read the inside of Best Attorney the top of the box." - Jerry Seinfeld

"The Lawyer's Motto:

"Insofar as manifestations of functional deficiencies are agreed by any

and all concerned parties to be imperceivable, and are so stipulated, it is

incumbent upon said heretofore mentioned parties to exercise the deferment of

otherwise pertinent maintenance procedures."

In Other Words:

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." --Anonymous

Funny Lawyer Quotes

A compilation of funny quotes about lawyers:

"I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my

lawyer thinks he can get me five." - Stephen Wright

"In America, an acquittal doesn't mean you're innocent, it

means you beat the rap. My clients lose even when they win." - F. Lee Bailey

"The fir st thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." - William

Shakespeare King

Henry VI Part 2.

"Lawyers are just like physicians: what one says, the other contradicts." - Sholom


"A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000-word document and calls it a

"brief." - Franz Kafka

"The minute you read something that you can't

understand, you can almost be sure that it was drawn up by a lawyer." - Will


"A Lawyer will do anything to win a case, sometimes he will

even tell the truth." -Patrick Murray

"Law students are trained in the case method, and to the

lawyer everything in life looks like a case." - Edward Packard, Jr.

"I don't like lawyers, nannie." "No one likes

lawyers, little boy." - J. P. Donleavy

"Lawyers are the only persons in whom ignorance of the law

is not punished." - Jeremy Bentham

"I n the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the halls." - Lenny Bruce

"I feel like I wanna cut class today." "Why, is it Law?" - Fehl Dungo

Thank you Quotes for Lawyers

"Thank you attorney for being an exceptional lawyer.

This wouldn't be fixed without your excellent skills." - Anonymous

"You're a friend, a really strong shoulder to cry on and a

doctor of my sick company. Thank you, attorney." - Anonymous

Famous Lawyers Quotes

Some quotes about lawyers from famous people:

"If there were no bad pe ople there would be no good lawyers."

Charles Dickens

"When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the

plaintiff." - Cicero

"He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client." Proverb

"In England, justice is open to all - like the Ritz Hotel." -

Sir James Mathew

"You are remembered for the rules you break."- Douglas MacArthur

"Don't misinform your Doctor nor your Lawyer." Benjamin


"The lawyer's truth is not Truth, but consistency or a

consistent expediency." - Henry David Thoreau

"A lawyer https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/attorney without books would be like a workman without

tools." - Thomas Jefferson

"The power of the lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law."

- Jeremy Bentham

"A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, a

mere working mason; if he possesses some knowle dge of these, he may venture to

call himself an architect." - Sir Walter Scott

"Only lawyers and painters can turn white to black." - Japanese


Now for the bonus

part...a little entertainment...WATCH it and LOL


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